Monday, September 11, 2006

What Bush and Co. Has Taken From Me

Today is the fifth anniversary of one of the most horrific act committed against the United States of America and its citizens in our time. For many who did not experience the horrors of WW2, it was THE most horrific act in modern times.

I watch the commemorations replete with wreaths, drill teams, choirs, family members, dignitaries, politicans, and government officials, with the solemn strains of Amazing Grace pervasive.

It has been five years since our sensibilities were shocked into a new way of seeing our world and the part that each one of us play. The ceremonious salute to those who paid the ultimate price should have stirred in me those once-familiar feelings of patriotism and belonging, feelings of a pride in my country, in justice and the knowledge that a world up-ended would soon find its equilibrium.

I wanted desperately to pay the tribute to the victims of 9/11 that they deserved. I wanted to properly grieve for the family members who have lived this nightmare everyday for five years.

But Bush and Co. has hijacked my grief, and it is replaced with rage and disgust.

Today, I could not grieve for all I could see was:

Bush sitting for seven, seven, seven minutes, after being told his country, my country, your country had been attacked.

Reports that Bush lied about WMDs.

Barbara Bush brushing off body counts so not to clutter her beautiful mind.

The members of the Project for the New American Century plotting to export their values world-wide, while slithering into critical positions in the government.

Jeff Gannon asking his questions to the White House staff when he should have been tending to his gay hooker business.

The Downing Street Memo.

Reports that the White House staff had been given the anthrax-antidote Cipro weeks before the anthrax attack.

The reluctance of the Bush White House to install the 9/11 Commission to investigate what happened.

The inconsistencies surrounding the elections.

The calling off the search for Osama Bin Laden.

The rising profits of Cheney and his business associates.

The billions and billions of dollars being funneled into a country that was attacked for having ‘terrorist ties’.

The Enron connection. Abramoff. Rumsfeld. Neocons. Blackwater USA. Halliburton, KBR. Tamiflu vaccine. Patriot Act. Social Security Privatization. Disenegration of Veterans Benefits. School Programs, Environmental, Social Programs slashed. Lies, Deception, Media Control. Religious alliance. Character assassination. On and on and on. Lies, Lies, Lies.

But mostly, I see Bush, sitting for seven minutes…after being told the country was under attack.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Laugh of the Day

Remember Jeff Gannon, the $200 a day gay hooker who serviced the White House? And if he was good, he was allowed to play with the journalists at the White House Briefings?

He still has a website at and recently posted this:

Posted by jeffgannon at 02:25 PM
Fat But Accurate
New CBS News anchor Katie Couric is
unrepentant about the manipulation of a photograph that conveys a false impression.

I can live with the Perky One wanting to shave a few pints of Ben & Jerry's "Chunky Monkey" from her hips, but trying to pass as a serious, objective newsgal is downright dishonest

In the coming months, as this country spirals continuously downward towards the upcoming elections, I will revisit that last line many times to get a good, good laugh.

I guess you could say that Gannon, aka Guckert, possibly aka Gosch, gave us the laugh of the century.

Remember Gannon or whoever you are--at least Katie Couric got something inserted in her colon for the good of all mankind.

(Trying to pass as a serious, objective newsgal is downright dishonest...bwaaahahhhahhha...stop it Gannon - you're killing me!)