Laugh of the Day

Remember Jeff Gannon, the $200 a day gay hooker who serviced the White House? And if he was good, he was allowed to play with the journalists at the White House Briefings?
He still has a website at and recently posted this:
Posted by jeffgannon at 02:25 PM
Fat But Accurate
New CBS News anchor Katie Couric is unrepentant about the manipulation of a photograph that conveys a false impression.
I can live with the Perky One wanting to shave a few pints of Ben & Jerry's "Chunky Monkey" from her hips, but trying to pass as a serious, objective newsgal is downright dishonest.
In the coming months, as this country spirals continuously downward towards the upcoming elections, I will revisit that last line many times to get a good, good laugh.
I guess you could say that Gannon, aka Guckert, possibly aka Gosch, gave us the laugh of the century.
Remember Gannon or whoever you are--at least Katie Couric got something inserted in her colon for the good of all mankind.
(Trying to pass as a serious, objective newsgal is downright dishonest...bwaaahahhhahhha...stop it Gannon - you're killing me!)
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