Saturday, August 05, 2006

Beginning of the End for the Republican PR Machine

It HAD to happen. ...Bush's Propaganda Machine couldn't go on forever without getting outed. (Sorta like Jeff Gannon!)

A parody of Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" entitled "Gore's Penguin Army" is now playing at . is a website for uploading (mostly) amateur video.

Purported to have been posted by a 29-year old male (screen name toutsmith) from Beverly Hills, California, the video was an amateurish attempt to spoof the documentary created by Gore. "An Inconvenient Truth" has been vetted for accuracy by many scientists and has passed the litmus test for accuracy regarding the degradation of our environment.

A reporter for the Wall Street Journal contacted toutsmith re: "Gore's Penguin Army" and....
received a response, not from a dude from California but from a computer registered to one of the most powerful propoganda mills in Washington, D.C. According to , DCI Group has close ties to the George W. Bush administration and a stellar list of Republican clientele.

The supposed author of this video also created a link to

The Machine knows how powerful the internet is and is attempting to sway public opinion with its use.

Let's show how powerful the internet is...forward this to someone who still believes the government would never stoop to dirty little tricks and lies. The next election will be won on the internet as this is the only bastion of truth left.


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